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Innowise è una società internazionale di sviluppo software a ciclo completo fondata nel 2007. Siamo un team di oltre 1600+ professionisti IT che sviluppano software per altri professionisti in tutto il mondo.
Chi siamo
Innowise è una società internazionale di sviluppo software a ciclo completo fondata nel 2007. Siamo un team di oltre 1600+ professionisti IT che sviluppano software per altri professionisti in tutto il mondo.

Quality assurance in healthcare: 17% surge in customer growth

Innowise integrated robust QA practices into the development of the medical center’s electronic follow-up system.


Assistenza sanitaria
Cliente da

Our client is a medical center, focusing on enhancing patient care through technological advancements. 

Le informazioni dettagliate sul cliente non possono essere divulgate in base ai termini dell'NDA.


Overcoming data fragmentation and enhancing integration in medical center operations

The medical center faced significant challenges managing and integrating disparate data systems, resulting in inefficient data handling and reduced operational effectiveness. The key issues included:

  • Fragmented data storage;
  • Cumbersome manual data consolidation processes;
  • Inadequate data sharing mechanisms across departments.


Moreover, the lack of a centralized system hampered patient access to their cartelle cliniche, affecting patient satisfaction and care delivery. 

Our client started developing an electronic follow-up system and requested our assistance in incorporating robust quality assurance processes from the beginning of sviluppo software. They aimed to enhance the system’s development cycle and ensure reliable performance.


Implementing comprehensive QA strategies to enhance software development efficiency

Our task was to provide robust QA methodologies integration from the get-go. Innowise introduced the solution designed to streamline development phases and reduce the risk of later-stage complications, thereby accelerating the overall project timeline. 

Planning and architecture

From the outset, the development team began a detailed planning phase. This initial step was crucial, not just for setting the project’s direction but also for identifying potential pitfalls early. By involving Specialisti QA during the planning stage, the client ensured that the architecture was robust and adaptable to future enhancements without compromising stability. This planning phase resulted in a blueprint that guided the entire project. As a result, all team members were on the same page and fully aligned with the project’s objectives.

QA methodologies integration

Three amigos technique

We adopted the three amigos technique to strengthen the development process and provide high-quality output. This approach brought business analysts, developers, and QA specialists together early in the development process. These sessions focused on dissecting user stories and defining acceptance criteria before coding began. Doing so reduced ambiguities and misinterpretations, fostering a more profound understanding among team members about the expected precise requirements and functionalities. Furthermore, the QA team helped minimize costly rework.

Shift-left testing

Building upon the collaborative foundation, we implemented “shift-left testing.” Our team integrated testing early in the development lifecycle. This approach saved time and resources by detecting and addressing defects early when they were cheaper and easier to fix. It also enhanced the overall quality of the software by allowing for iterative improvements throughout the development process, assuring that each component met quality standards from the outset.

Automation and continuous integration

We introduced automated testing frameworks at the project’s inception to further support our shift-left approach. The automated tests ran concurrently with development efforts, ensuring that new code additions or changes didn’t disrupt existing functionalities. This fostered a continuous integration and testing environment where every code was validated in real time. Innowise significantly reduced the likelihood of bugs entering the codebase and maintained a high software quality standard throughout the project’s lifecycle.

Dynamic feedback and agile adaptation

QA integration within the development phases enabled more dynamic and responsive development cycles. With QA specialists working with developers, feedback loops were significantly shortened, allowing immediate action based on testing outcomes. This approach promoted iterative progress through regular sprint reviews and retrospective meetings. Through these gatherings, all team members could reflect on what was working well and what needed improvement. As a result, we enhanced the development process’s overall effectiveness and efficiency.

Synchronization and transition management

Our QA team played a pivotal role in managing transitions between development phases smoothly. We set up checkpoints to ensure that every transition — from planning to development, development to testing, and testing to deployment — was seamless. By performing these validations, we confirmed that no critical issues were carried over to the next phase.

Moreover, QA specialists kept all stakeholders synchronized. Regular meetings and updates were scheduled, ensuring everyone, from developers to department heads, was on the same page regarding the project’s progress and immediate priorities.

Stability and speed

Drawing on our experience, the rigorous QA processes we implemented significantly boosted development stability and speed. Developers could focus more on creating sophisticated features and functionalities, ensuring that QA identified and addressed any issues promptly. This collaboration between software developers and QA engineers ensured milestones were met ahead of schedule and with fewer setbacks.


Automazione dei test

TypeScript, Playwright, Axios, Fiddler, Postman, GitHub Actions, Allure


Iterative development

We adopted the Scrumban methodology, facilitating a flexible and responsive development environment. The process was organized into sprints, each delivering a potentially shippable increment of the software. This approach allowed for frequent reassessment of development progress and realignment of goals according to evolving project requirements.

Regular communication and documentation

We leveraged Google Meet for instant communication and Jira to track tasks and issues. This ensured that all team members, including stakeholders, remained well-informed about the project status and could provide timely inputs.



Responsabile QA


Responsabile GLP


Ingegneri QA


Ingegnere AQA




17% increase in customers and 15% labor cost optimization during the first three months post-deployment

By embedding dedicated QA processes throughout the development of the electronic follow-up system, we significantly enhanced the system’s reliability and performance. Proactive issue resolution during development phases led to a smoother system implementation, significantly boosting the medical center’s operational efficiency.

The project was completed on budget and released on time without any critical or major production bugs. Following the system implementation, the medical center experienced a 17% increase in client influx during the first three months. It also achieved a 15% labor cost optimization thanks to new system features, improving resource management. 

Through our strategic QA involvement, the medical center now enjoys a robust, efficient, and user-friendly system. These outcomes further demonstrate the profound impact and success of the QA-driven approach to this project.

Durata del progetto
  • January 2023 - February 2024


 increase in customer acquisition rates


labor cost optimization


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