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O Innowise é uma empresa internacional de desenvolvimento de software de ciclo completo fundada em 2007. Somos uma equipa de mais de 1600+ profissionais de TI que desenvolvem software para outros profissionais em todo o mundo.
Sobre nós
O Innowise é uma empresa internacional de desenvolvimento de software de ciclo completo fundada em 2007. Somos uma equipa de mais de 1600+ profissionais de TI que desenvolvem software para outros profissionais em todo o mundo.

Hire AI developers

Partnering with Innowise means bringing on board a team of skilled AI developers who fit right in with your team. With our flexible cooperation models and quick ramp-up, you’ll get the talent you need, right when you need it.


AI projects successfully delivered

Partnering with Innowise means bringing on board a team of skilled AI developers who fit right in with your team. With our flexible cooperation models and quick ramp-up, you’ll get the talent you need, right when you need it.


AI projects successfully delivered

When it comes to hiring AI developers, Innowise is your go-to choice. Our skilled team can handle any kind of AI project — no matter how tough — making sure you get outstanding results without breaking the bank or missing deadlines.

  • Large pool of AI experts
  • Aumento rápido e fácil
  • Modelos de cooperação flexíveis
  • Agilidade e integração harmoniosa
  • Elevada qualidade do código
  • Gestão e entrega eficientes

Large pool of AI experts

Here at Innowise, we’ve got a team of skilled AI experts who are up for even the toughest projects. With more than 60 AI developers and 50 consultants on board, you can count on us to have the right talent for whatever you need.

Aumento rápido e fácil

Need to boost your team quickly? We’ll send you top candidate CVs within 1-2 days, and our developers can jump into your project in as little as 1-2 weeks. This way, you can keep things running smoothly without missing a beat.

Modelos de contratação flexíveis

Whether you need extra hands or a whole new team, our AI developers are available for both full-time and part-time roles. With our dedicated teams or staff augmentation models, you'll get the support you need, right when you need it.

Agilidade e integração harmoniosa

Our specialists can easily fit into any project — no matter the team size, structure, or development method. We make sure everything blends smoothly with your workflows, boosting efficiency and helping drive success.

Elevada qualidade do código

We keep our code high-quality with a mix of manual and automated testing that covers all the bases without blowing the budget. Our team sticks to smart coding practices, meaning your code is easy to maintain and ready to scale.

Gestão e entrega eficientes

To keep things running smoothly, we assign project coordinators to each AI developer. For more complicated AI initiatives, our skilled PMO and certified scrum masters step in – guaranteeing that everything stays on track and gets done right.

Large pool of AI experts

Here at Innowise, we’ve got a team of skilled AI experts who are up for even the toughest projects. With more than 60 AI developers and 50 consultants on board, you can count on us to have the right talent for whatever you need.

Aumento rápido e fácil

Need to boost your team quickly? We’ll send you top candidate CVs within 1-2 days, and our developers can jump into your project in as little as 1-2 weeks. This way, you can keep things running smoothly without missing a beat.

Modelos de contratação flexíveis

Whether you need extra hands or a whole new team, our AI developers are available for both full-time and part-time roles. With our dedicated teams or staff augmentation models, you'll get the support you need, right when you need it.

Agilidade e integração harmoniosa

Our specialists can easily fit into any project — no matter the team size, structure, or development method. We make sure everything blends smoothly with your workflows, boosting efficiency and helping drive success.

Elevada qualidade do código

We keep our code high-quality with a mix of manual and automated testing that covers all the bases without blowing the budget. Our team sticks to smart coding practices, meaning your code is easy to maintain and ready to scale.

Gestão e entrega eficientes

To keep things running smoothly, we assign project coordinators to each AI developer. For more complicated AI initiatives, our skilled PMO and certified scrum masters step in – guaranteeing that everything stays on track and gets done right.

Available AI engineers for hire

Kevin S.
Consultor SAP intermédio Mais de 4 anos de experiência
Consultor SAP intermédio com responsabilidades na direção estratégica, conceção, implementação e apoio do ecossistema SAP. Tem uma forte mentalidade orientada para o cliente.
Pedir CV completo
Mark N.
Consultor SAP sénior Mais de 5 anos de experiência
Especialista entusiasta com experiência comprovada na condução de transformações complexas orientadas para o ERP, com profundos conhecimentos tecnológicos e de processamento, desde o desenvolvimento de estratégias até à implementação de soluções.
Pedir CV completo
Steven H.
Consultor SAP sénior Mais de 5 anos de experiência
Consultores SAP experientes, com mais de 5 anos de experiência na análise de requisitos comerciais, compreensão do ambiente técnico e conceção de soluções de apoio ao negócio para clientes.
Pedir CV completo
Preencher o formulário para obter um CV pormenorizado
Enviar ficheiro Ficheiros válidos: jpg, jpeg, png, pdf, doc, docx, xls
  • 123

O tamanho total dos anexos não deve exceder 10 MB.

Informamos que, ao clicar no botão Enviar, a Innowise Group processará os seus dados pessoais de acordo com as nossas Política de privacidade com o objectivo de lhe fornecer informações adequadas.

Obrigado pelo seu pedido, o nosso especialista entrará em contacto consigo o mais rapidamente possível.

Looking to scale your AI initiatives quickly?

We’ll help you bring your AI solutions to market faster — without the hefty price tag.

Principais tecnologias de IA com que trabalhamos

From the latest frameworks and programming languages to advanced algorithms and neural networks, we’ve got all the tools to create smart, scalable AI solutions. Our tech-savvy team combines these resources to deliver exactly what you need to stay ahead.

Estruturas e bibliotecas de IA
  • TensorFlow
  • Keras
  • PyTorch
  • MXNet
  • Nvidia Caffe
  • Chainer
  • Theano
  • OpenNN
  • Neuroph
  • Sonnet
  • Tensor
  • tf-slim
  • Transformers
  • Cadeia Lang
  • NLTK
  • spaCy
  • OpenCV
Linguagens de programação
  • R
  • Python
  • Java
  • C++
  • Aprendizagem supervisionada/não supervisionada
  • Agrupamento
  • Aprendizagem métrica
  • Aprendizagem com poucos disparos
  • Aprendizagem semi-supervisionada
  • Aprendizagem por reforço
  • Aprendizagem zero-shot
Redes neuronais
  • CNN
  • RNN
  • Aprendizagem de representações
  • Aprendizagem múltipla
  • Auto-codificadores variacionais
  • Redes Bayesianas
  • Redes autoregressivas
  • Redes autoregressivas
  • Transformers
  • GANs

AI solutions we develop

With our longstanding knowledge and years of hands-on experience, we help businesses get the most out of this tech. Whether it’s generative AI or personal assistants, our team builds solutions that streamline your processes, expand your market reach, and give your profits a nice boost.

Custom AI solutions

It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for chatbots, recommendation engines, fraud detection systems, or image and speech recognition features: our AI developers can build it all. We’ll work closely with you to find the best ways to adopt AI and make sure it’s spot-on for your needs.

Computer vision systems

Our team develops advanced systems for real-time image and video analysis. Whether it’s recognizing objects, faces, emotions, or analyzing medical images, we’ve got you covered with solutions that turn your visual data into valuable insights.

Software de análise preditiva

Our experts create and implement cutting-edge models to help you spot future trends, forecast demand, and understand your audience and risks. We’ll team up with you to fine-tune your marketing strategies, boost your sales, and keep any risks in check.

IA generativa

Using GANs, VAEs, and GPT models, we create smart tools that can generate all kinds of content — from realistic images and videos to unique text, music, and more. These GenAI solutions help businesses get more efficient, slash costs, and try out new ideas.

AI assistants and chatbots

Our AI experts build smart assistants and chatbots that engage and communicate with users naturally, answer their questions, and handle tasks anytime, day or night. This way, you can make customer interactions more meaningful and free up your time to focus on your business growth.

AI security

Keeping your data and systems safe is what we’re all about. With smart AI solutions in place, our team helps you to supercharge your cybersecurity — allowing you to spot and tackle threats in real time, automate security tasks, and streamline incident response.

Facial recognition software

We create facial recognition systems that deliver top accuracy for person identification. Powered by AI and deep learning algorithms, they help you boost security, control access, and verify identities — keeping your sensitive data and assets 100% safe and sound.

Deep learning solutions

With our deep learning know-how, we build smart models that dive into huge data sets and find hidden trends. These solutions help you make better decisions, automate tough tasks, and come up with fresh ideas — no matter if you’re in healthcare, finance, or retail.

Speech recognition software

Want to create virtual assistants, transcription services, or voice-activated systems? Count on us for state-of-the-art speech recognition solutions. Using the latest in NLP, we make sure they’re accurate, user-friendly and kickstart interaction — whenever and wherever you need it.

Reconhecido entre os melhores, pelos melhores

prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios
prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios prémios

Mostrar tudo

Mostrar menos

Os nossos modelos de compromisso

AI team augmentation

Boost your project with our AI developers, ready to handle the full development cycle or support specific modules. Our experts jump right into your team and fill any skill or staffing gaps without missing a beat.

Dedicated AI team

Our AI experts are ready to dive in once you give us the go-ahead, handling everything from start to finish — under our skilled project managers. No matter the challenge, we’ll get it done and hit those project KPIs.

Hire dedicated AI developers from Innowise


Let us know how many AI experts you need, which tech stack, and the experience level you’re looking for. Also, share your preferred engagement model.

Seleção de candidatos

We handpick the best candidates for you and send you their CVs and rates within 1-2 days.


You’ll then choose who you're interested in, and we’ll set up interviews with these applicants at a time that works for you.


Once you’ve approved your candidates, we’ll sort out all the details and get a contract, SLA, — and NDA, if needed — ready to go.

Início e integração

After you sign off on everything, our AI developers will join your project team. You’ll give us access to your project setup and knowledge base and we’ll kick things off with a meeting to get everything rolling.

Gestão e controlo

You can stick with your PM, PO, or team lead, or we can provide one from Innowise. Either way, our developers will keep you updated with regular reports and track their hours. We’ll also set up meetings to review progress and make sure everything is on track.


Let us know how many AI experts you need, which tech stack, and the experience level you’re looking for. Also, share your preferred engagement model.

Seleção de candidatos

We handpick the best candidates for you and send you their CVs and rates within 1-2 days.


You’ll then choose who you're interested in, and we’ll set up interviews with these applicants at a time that works for you.


Once you’ve approved your candidates, we’ll sort out all the details and get a contract, SLA, — and NDA, if needed — ready to go.

Início e integração

After you sign off on everything, our AI developers will join your project team. You’ll give us access to your project setup and knowledge base and we’ll kick things off with a meeting to get everything rolling.

Gestão e controlo

You can stick with your PM, PO, or team lead, or we can provide one from Innowise. Either way, our developers will keep you updated with regular reports and track their hours. We’ll also set up meetings to review progress and make sure everything is on track.


Let us know how many AI experts you need, which tech stack, and the experience level you’re looking for. Also, share your preferred engagement model.

Seleção de candidatos

We handpick the best candidates for you and send you their CVs and rates within 1-2 days.


You’ll then choose who you're interested in, and we’ll set up interviews with these applicants at a time that works for you.


Once you’ve approved your candidates, we’ll sort out all the details and get a contract, SLA, — and NDA, if needed — ready to go.

Início e integração

After you sign off on everything, our AI developers will join your project team. You’ll give us access to your project setup and knowledge base and we’ll kick things off with a meeting to get everything rolling.

Gestão e controlo

You can stick with your PM, PO, or team lead, or we can provide one from Innowise. Either way, our developers will keep you updated with regular reports and track their hours. We’ll also set up meetings to review progress and make sure everything is on track.

How we hire AI engineers

At Innowise, we’re all about bringing only first-class talent on board. Our hiring process is pretty thorough, with multiple steps to make sure we identify and select the most qualified and motivated AI engineers out there.

Our recruiters check out CVs from our pool of over 70,000 top-tier professionals. We’ll dive into their backgrounds, education, experience, and skills to put together a shortlist of the best matches for your needs.

We’ll reach out to shortlisted candidates to discuss their skills, problem-solving abilities, and personality. We also take the time to explore their values, motivations, and what they’re looking for to make sure they’ll fit well with our company culture.

Our tech experts engage with candidates to evaluate their knowledge of the tech stack and the skills needed for the job. We’ll also look at how well they work in a team and whether they’re excited about sharing and backing up their ideas with others.

We’ll provide candidates with a test task to see how they tackle problems, think creatively, and manage their time. These tasks are similar to real project work but are shorter — usually taking no more than 2 hours to complete.

Before extending a job offer, our recruiters thoroughly vet candidates by reviewing recommendations and feedback from their previous employers.

Once the earlier stages are successfully completed, the remaining candidates will have a final conversation with our head of the technical department. If we’re hiring someone for one of our clients, we’ll also set up a meet and greet with the client’s team.

Only the top 5% of technical talent make it through our tough screening process and get hired. But we’re all about keeping our team sharp — that’s why we’re constantly boosting their skills with internal and external training.

Seleção do CV dos candidatos

Our recruiters check out CVs from our pool of over 70,000 top-tier professionals. We’ll dive into their backgrounds, education, experience, and skills to put together a shortlist of the best matches for your needs.

Entrevista inicial com os RH

We’ll reach out to shortlisted candidates to discuss their skills, problem-solving abilities, and personality. We also take the time to explore their values, motivations, and what they’re looking for to make sure they’ll fit well with our company culture.

Entrevista técnica e psicométrica

Our tech experts engage with candidates to evaluate their knowledge of the tech stack and the skills needed for the job. We’ll also look at how well they work in a team and whether they’re excited about sharing and backing up their ideas with others.

Tarefa de teste

We’ll provide candidates with a test task to see how they tackle problems, think creatively, and manage their time. These tasks are similar to real project work but are shorter — usually taking no more than 2 hours to complete.

Controlo de referências

Before extending a job offer, our recruiters thoroughly vet candidates by reviewing recommendations and feedback from their previous employers.

Entrevista com a direção ou com o cliente

Once the earlier stages are successfully completed, the remaining candidates will have a final conversation with our head of the technical department. If we’re hiring someone for one of our clients, we’ll also set up a meet and greet with the client’s team.

Oferta de emprego para os melhores talentos tecnológicos do 5%

Only the top 5% of technical talent make it through our tough screening process and get hired. But we’re all about keeping our team sharp — that’s why we’re constantly boosting their skills with internal and external training.

Got an AI talent shortage? Our AI experts can help you build high-performing AI software and give your business a boost.
Got an AI talent shortage? Our AI experts can help you build high-performing AI software and give your business a boost.

How much does it cost to hire an AI developer?

The price tag of bringing on board an AI specialist can fluctuate significantly based on various factors: how experienced the developer is, the complexity of your project, the tech you’re using, and a few others. Knowing these aspects will help you get a clearer picture and use your budget wisely.

Nível de especialização
Complexidade do projecto
Modelo de cooperação
Conjunto de competências
Cronograma do projeto
Dimensão da equipa

Looking to scale your AI initiatives quickly?

We’ll help you bring your AI solutions to market faster – without the hefty price tag.

How our AI developers ensure code quality

  • We stick to industry standards and our internal coding guidelines.
  • With clear comments and easy-to-understand naming, our code is straightforward for everyone on the team to follow and work with.
  • Our team uses version control, manages dependencies, and keeps code documentation up-to-date to make collaboration and maintenance a breeze.
  • Our code is created to fit into different projects and environments with ease.
  • Our team sets up unit tests based on your detailed specs. 
  • We cover all the bases, including standard, boundary, and incorrect inputs.
  • To keep your software running smoothly, we conduct thorough unit testing after every big code update.
  • Informal reviews: Ad hoc review, peer review.
  • Formal reviews: Code walkthrough, code inspection.
  • Complexity metrics: Cyclomatic complexity (CC), maintainability Index (MI).
  • Testability metrics: Unit test pass rate.
  • Code health metrics: Code duplication, code churn, technical debt ratio, comment ratio.

Projects delivered by our AI developers

Logótipo da Google.
Logótipo Hays.
Logótipo PayPal.
Logótipo da Siemens.
Logótipo da Nike.
Logótipo da Volkswagen.
Logótipo LVMH.
Logótipo da Nestlé.
Logótipo da Novartis.
Logótipo do Spotify.
Logótipo da Google.
Logótipo Hays.
Logótipo PayPal.
Logótipo da Siemens.
Logótipo da Nike.
Logótipo da Volkswagen.
Logótipo LVMH.
Logótipo da Nestlé.
Logótipo da Novartis.
Logótipo do Spotify.

O que pensam os nossos clientes

Gian Luca De Bonis CEO & CTO Enable Development OÜ
logótipo da empresa

"Ficámos impressionados com a sua flexibilidade e vontade de encontrar soluções para situações difíceis. Ajudaram ativamente em todo o tipo de situações. A vontade da equipa em apresentar resultados óptimos garante o sucesso da parceria."

  • Indústria Consultoria informática
  • Dimensão da equipa 8 especialistas
  • Duração 36 meses
  • Serviços Aumento do pessoal
Joakim Rosen Programador principal YouWish AS
logótipo da empresa

"A Innowise concluiu muitos projectos e tem um desempenho consistente nas suas tarefas. A sua abordagem orientada para os resultados permite-lhes escalar rapidamente os seus esforços em função dos resultados exigidos."

  • Indústria Produtos de consumo
  • Dimensão da equipa 4 especialistas
  • Duração Mais de 28 meses
  • Serviços Aumento do pessoal
Benjamin Reif Fundador e Director Executivo Sawayo
logótipo da empresa

"A Innowise encontrou constantemente soluções eficazes para os desafios. Os recursos foram muito prestáveis e comunicativos, e demonstraram uma determinação impressionante e vontade de resolver os problemas."

  • Indústria Software
  • Dimensão da equipa 9 especialistas
  • Duração 24 meses
  • Serviços Desenvolvimento de software personalizado, aumento de pessoal


Within 1-2 days, you’ll receive CVs of the AI developers best suited to your wants, needs, and preferences. Once you’ve selected your candidates, they can join your team within a couple of weeks. Our streamlined process guarantees a swift project kickoff without sacrificing quality.

Both! You can hire either a single AI specialist or a full team customized to fit your project requirements. Whatever you’re after, we’re here to connect you with the right talent to meet your goals.

Building the best possible AI team starts with assembling the right mix of skills and expertise. No matter how challenging your project may be, we’ve got your back with our team of world-class specialists – and their proven track record in delivering successful AI projects.

Absolutely! Here at Innowise, we offer flexible engagement models for your project’s specific needs. Whether you need short-term support or a long-term partnership, you can hire AI developers for both hourly and project-based tasks.

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Procura programadores noutras tecnologias?

Engenheiros DevOps
Equipa dedicada
Programadores de PHP
Desenvolvedores Python
Programadores offshore
MEAN Stack developers
Engenheiros de Cloud
React.js desenvolvedores


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    Inclua os detalhes do projeto, a duração, o conjunto de tecnologias, os profissionais de TI necessários e outras informações relevantes
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    Pode anexar até 1 ficheiro de 2MB no total. Ficheiros válidos: pdf, jpg, jpeg, png

    Informamos que, ao clicar no botão Enviar, o Innowise's processará os seus dados pessoais de acordo com a nossa Política de Privacidade com o objectivo de lhe fornecer informações adequadas.

    Por que o Innowise?


    Profissionais de TI


    clientes recorrentes


    anos de experiência


    projectos bem sucedidos


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    Processaremos o seu pedido e contactá-lo-emos o mais rapidamente possível.
