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Innowise är ett internationellt företag som utvecklar mjukvara för hela cykeln som grundades 2007. Vi är ett team på över 1600+ IT-proffs som utvecklar mjukvara för andra företag yrkesverksamma över hela världen.
Om oss
Innowise är ett internationellt företag som utvecklar mjukvara för hela cykeln som grundades 2007. Vi är ett team på över 1600+ IT-proffs som utvecklar mjukvara för andra företag yrkesverksamma över hela världen.

Digital marketing software development services

With a team of experienced digital marketing software developers and a focus on innovation, we at Innowise provide digital marketing software development services to help marketing companies bring their ideas to life and gain a competitive edge. Leveraging deep industry knowledge, we provide innovative solutions that improve business growth, efficiency, and market reach.

Bättre insikter. Bättre prestanda.

We develop a wide range of marketing software solutions tailored to the needs of our clients. Bespoke software helps streamline marketing processes, increases efficiency, boosts results, strengthens brand presence, and ensures the retention of loyal customers. Whether you need a simple marketing automation tool or a complex, multi-faceted solution, we’ve got the expertise to create a custom-made solution that can tackle any challenge.
Manually completing marketing tasks like email marketing campaigns, social media management and publishing, and ad campaign optimization can be tedious and time-consuming. Marketing automation software can streamline these tasks – improving lead generation, direct mail, digital advertising, Google Ads, and more, resulting in better marketing efficiency, ROI, and customer satisfaction.
AI-powered marketing analytics software enables the tracking and prediction of the success of marketing activities and campaign performance – using multiple metrics, including ROAS, ROMI, CPL, pay-per-click, amongst others. We build multi-functional tools for automated reporting, predictive analytics, optimization, customer segmentation, attribution modeling, Google Analytics integration, and data visualization, to name a few.
The use of real-time bidding in the ad tech industry has changed the way publishers, app creators, and advertisers distribute campaigns and optimize ad revenue. We offer RTB software development services – keeping our clients one step ahead of the competition thanks to our refined digital marketing strategies, compared to sluggish and ineffective traditional online advertising.
Email marketing delivers high ROI and is an effective tool for personalized communication with clients. Our specialists build automated email marketing software to simplify the process – using more established infrastructure, increasing customer engagement and conversion rates as a result. With these bespoke tools, you can save time spent on time-consuming routine tasks and instead concentrate exclusively on strategy and creativity.
Innowise develops software that streamlines social media management, enables metrics monitoring, oversees social media marketing campaigns, and simplifies media content publishing. These solutions allow companies to better organize their social media channels and monitor engagement according to deadlines and budget.
Sales automation is a must-have for creating a great customer experience across different marketing channels. It simplifies repetitive tasks – like lead identification and qualification, sales analytics and reporting, demand and sales forecasting, pipeline management, sales calls, and more – using bespoke digital tools to handle leads without losing the personal touch.
We develop, integrate, and improve custom CRM solutions that encourage businesses to foster strong, long-lasting connections with their customers and generate new prospects, with a focus on conversion rate optimization. Our developers enrich CRM software with automation solutions that streamline the management of advertising campaigns, monitor email engagement, and conduct A/B testing on landing pages.
Our software development and automation services unify different processes across your organization – saving time, boosting efficiency, and improving accountability. Our automation experts will design customized solutions specifically for the unique wants of your business.
Businesses use revenue management software to align sales and customer payments, reduce revenue loss, distribute revenue among units, and track and improve the general performance of goods and services. Innowise provides first-rate revenue management solutions for billing, invoices, and payments with cutting-edge features custom-made for your organization.
Knowing how to start, operate, and streamline a customer loyalty program can be carried out fastest and most efficiently with the help of customer loyalty software. Digital marketing software development lets companies predict customer behavior using ML algorithms, as well as efficiently manage loyalty programs by distributing consumer incentives such as reward points, discount coupons, and free product samples.
We develop comprehensive software that helps ad agencies manage every aspect of their daily operations – think project management, team collaboration, client relationship management, media planning and buying, data analysis, budget tracking, and account reporting. Bespoke solutions meet the unique needs of each agency we collaborate with – freeing up their time to focus on delivering high-quality creative campaigns to their clients.
At Innowise, we offer custom CMS development services for organizations looking to create, manage, publish, and track their online content. We design, build, and maintain easy-to-use systems that support the creation of feature-rich websites, web apps, and custom mobile apps for a great user experience and high conversion. With expert tech knowledge and over 17 years of expertise in CMS development, we deliver tried-and-tested solutions that meet each one of our client’s objectives – no matter how big the vision.
Supply-side platforms help website owners and publishers to manage and sell ad inventory programmatically – maximizing revenue from ad impressions and improving the overall efficiency and transparency of ad campaigns while also providing valuable insights into audience behavior.
Our experts build intuitive demand-side platforms to help advertisers programmatically purchase and manage digital ad inventory. With the help of custom-built DSPs, advertisers can target the right audience, track their ad and marketing campaigns’ impressions and performance, and optimize their media buying processes.
Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular across the marketing industry, thanks to their capacity for convenient client support as well as their sales automation capabilities. Innowise’s custom chatbots are equipped with artificial intelligence and NLP technologies to enhance the overall client experience and improve user satisfaction. Our specialists design these chatbots specifically to your goals and continuously improve them for the best user experience possible.
With the rise of AI in video post-production and fully automated video creation for virtual world sales, it’s no surprise that video content has quickly become the go-to trending content type. Innowise’s custom-built video platforms can easily integrate with your existing marketing software – and we make sure to pack them with unique functions tailored to your unique business goals.
We develop solutions for creating, storing, organizing, categorizing, accessing, sharing, and tracking a wide variety of digital assets. Our experienced developers are able to integrate DAM software with existing content management systems – while also adding custom features such as advanced user permissions, intelligent search, filtering, version control and history, metadata tagging, usage rights, and expiry dates management.
Whether you’ve already established a large network of affiliates or you’re just starting out, we’ll help you create a tailored solution to streamline your processes and help you easily track your performance. Customized affiliate software programs will help your organization optimize affiliate marketing campaigns, monitor and improve metrics, and automate payments to commercial partners.
Through bespoke CXM solutions, businesses can dramatically improve the interactions that customers have with their company, products, and services. By integrating CXM software with a variety of other tools, we bring together data from multiple sources in order to create a comprehensive picture of the customer. This approach means marketers are better equipped to understand their customers, predict their behavior, deliver timely personalized offers, and improve overall customer satisfaction.
Our team designs solutions to track, gather, and share customer feedback, giving you the actionable insights you need to take your online standing to the next level. As part of our software development services, we specialize in integrating cutting-edge SEMs and third-party solutions to further enhance customer acquisition and engagement levels.
We develop bespoke enterprise mobility apps that allow for seamless integration with existing enterprise systems – guaranteeing that your employees have the tools they need to stay connected wherever they are. These apps offer intuitive features such as digital marketing tools, custom CRM solutions, secure messaging, document management, and real-time collaboration.
  • Marketing automation
  • Programvara för marknadsföringsanalys
  • Programvara för budgivning i realtid (RTB)
  • Programvara för e-postmarknadsföring
  • Programvara för marknadsföring i sociala medier
  • Säljautomation
  • Marknadsföring CRM-programvara
  • Programvara för automatisering av arbetsflöden
  • Programvara för intäktshantering
  • Programvara för kundlojalitet
  • Programvara för reklambyråer
  • Anpassade CMS för marknadsföring
  • Supply-side plattformar (SSP)
  • Demand-side plattform (DSP)
  • Chatbots för marknadsföring
  • Videoplattformar
  • Digital asset management (DAM)
  • Programvara för affiliatemarknadsföring
  • Customer experience management (CXM) programvara
  • Programvara för online reputation management
  • Enterprise mobility apps
Programvara för automotion
Marketing automation
Manually completing marketing tasks like email marketing campaigns, social media management and publishing, and ad campaign optimization can be tedious and time-consuming. Marketing automation software can streamline these tasks - improving lead generation, direct mail, digital advertising, Google Ads, and more, resulting in better marketing efficiency, ROI, and customer satisfaction.
Programvara för marknadsföringsanalys
Marketing analytics software
AI-powered marketing analytics software enables the tracking and prediction of the success of marketing activities and campaign performance - using multiple metrics, including ROAS, ROMI, CPL, pay-per-click, amongst others. We build multi-functional tools for automated reporting, predictive analytics, optimization, customer segmentation, attribution modeling, Google Analytics integration, and data visualization, to name a few.
Programvara för budgivning i realtid
Programvara för budgivning i realtid (RTB)
The use of real-time bidding in the ad tech industry has changed the way publishers, app creators, and advertisers distribute campaigns and optimize ad revenue. We offer RTB software development services - keeping our clients one step ahead of the competition thanks to our refined digital marketing strategies, compared to sluggish and ineffective traditional online advertising.
Programvara för e-postmarknadsföring
Programvara för e-postmarknadsföring
Email marketing delivers high ROI and is an effective tool for personalized communication with clients. Our specialists build automated email marketing software to simplify the process - using more established infrastructure, increasing customer engagement and conversion rates as a result. With these bespoke tools, you can save time spent on time-consuming routine tasks and instead concentrate exclusively on strategy and creativity.
Mjukvara för SMM
Programvara för marknadsföring i sociala medier
Innowise develops software that streamlines social media management, enables metrics monitoring, oversees social media marketing campaigns, and simplifies media content publishing. These solutions allow companies to better organize their social media channels and monitor engagement according to deadlines and budget.
Sales automation is a must-have for creating a great customer experience across different marketing channels. It simplifies repetitive tasks - like lead identification and qualification, sales analytics and reporting, demand and sales forecasting, pipeline management, sales calls, and more - using bespoke digital tools to handle leads without losing the personal touch.
Marknadsföring CRM-programvara
Marknadsföring CRM-programvara
We develop, integrate, and improve custom CRM solutions that encourage businesses to foster strong, long-lasting connections with their customers and generate new prospects, with a focus on conversion rate optimization. Our developers enrich CRM software with automation solutions that streamline the management of advertising campaigns, monitor email engagement, and conduct A/B testing on landing pages.
Programvara för automatisering av arbetsflöden
Programvara för automatisering av arbetsflöden
Our software development and automation services unify different processes across your organization - saving time, boosting efficiency, and improving accountability. Our automation experts will design customized solutions specifically for the unique wants of your business.
Programvara för intäktshantering
Programvara för intäktshantering
Businesses use revenue management software to align sales and customer payments, reduce revenue loss, distribute revenue among units, and track and improve the general performance of goods and services. Innowise provides first-rate revenue management solutions for billing, invoices, and payments with cutting-edge features custom-made for your organization.
Programvara för kundlojalitet
Programvara för kundlojalitet
Knowing how to start, operate, and streamline a customer loyalty program can be carried out fastest and most efficiently with the help of customer loyalty software. Digital marketing software development lets companies predict customer behavior using ML algorithms, as well as efficiently manage loyalty programs by distributing consumer incentives such as reward points, discount coupons, and free product samples.
Programvara för reklambyråer
Programvara för reklambyråer
We develop comprehensive software that helps ad agencies manage every aspect of their daily operations - think project management, team collaboration, client relationship management, media planning and buying, data analysis, budget tracking, and account reporting. Bespoke solutions meet the unique needs of each agency we collaborate with - freeing up their time to focus on delivering high-quality creative campaigns to their clients.
Anpassade CMS för marknadsföring
Anpassade CMS för marknadsföring
At Innowise, we offer custom CMS development services for organizations looking to create, manage, publish, and track their online content. We design, build, and maintain easy-to-use systems that support the creation of feature-rich websites, web apps, and custom mobile apps for a great user experience and high conversion. With expert tech knowledge and over 17 years of expertise in CMS development, we deliver tried-and-tested solutions that meet each one of our client's objectives - no matter how big the vision.
Plattformar på utbudssidan
Supply-side plattformar (SSP)
Supply-side platforms help website owners and publishers to manage and sell ad inventory programmatically - maximizing revenue from ad impressions and improving the overall efficiency and transparency of ad campaigns while also providing valuable insights into audience behavior.
Plattform på efterfrågesidan
Demand-side plattform (DSP)
Our experts build intuitive demand-side platforms to help advertisers programmatically purchase and manage digital ad inventory. With the help of custom-built DSPs, advertisers can target the right audience, track their ad and marketing campaigns' impressions and performance, and optimize their media buying processes.
Chatbots för marknadsföring
Chatbots för marknadsföring
Chatbots are becoming increasingly popular across the marketing industry, thanks to their capacity for convenient client support as well as their sales automation capabilities. Innowise’s custom chatbots are equipped with artificial intelligence and NLP technologies to enhance the overall client experience and improve user satisfaction. Our specialists design these chatbots specifically to your goals and continuously improve them for the best user experience possible.
With the rise of AI in video post-production and fully automated video creation for virtual world sales, it’s no surprise that video content has quickly become the go-to trending content type. Innowise’s custom-built video platforms can easily integrate with your existing marketing software - and we make sure to pack them with unique functions tailored to your unique business goals.
Programvara för hantering av digitala tillgångar
Digital asset management (DAM)
We develop solutions for creating, storing, organizing, categorizing, accessing, sharing, and tracking a wide variety of digital assets. Our experienced developers are able to integrate DAM software with existing content management systems - while also adding custom features such as advanced user permissions, intelligent search, filtering, version control and history, metadata tagging, usage rights, and expiry dates management.
Programvara för affiliatemarknadsföring
Programvara för affiliatemarknadsföring
Whether you’ve already established a large network of affiliates or you’re just starting out, we’ll help you create a tailored solution to streamline your processes and help you easily track your performance. Customized affiliate software programs will help your organization optimize affiliate marketing campaigns, monitor and improve metrics, and automate payments to commercial partners.
Programvara för hantering av kundupplevelser
Customer experience management (CXM) programvara
Through bespoke CXM solutions, businesses can dramatically improve the interactions that customers have with their company, products, and services. By integrating CXM software with a variety of other tools, we bring together data from multiple sources in order to create a comprehensive picture of the customer. This approach means marketers are better equipped to understand their customers, predict their behavior, deliver timely personalized offers, and improve overall customer satisfaction.
Programvara för online reputation management
Programvara för online reputation management
Our team designs solutions to track, gather, and share customer feedback, giving you the actionable insights you need to take your online standing to the next level. As part of our software development services, we specialize in integrating cutting-edge SEMs and third-party solutions to further enhance customer acquisition and engagement levels.
Programvara för online reputation management
Enterprise mobility apps
We develop bespoke enterprise mobility apps that allow for seamless integration with existing enterprise systems - guaranteeing that your employees have the tools they need to stay connected wherever they are. These apps offer intuitive features such as digital marketing tools, custom CRM solutions, secure messaging, document management, and real-time collaboration.

Tjänster för MarTech-mjukvaruutveckling

Innowise delivers first-class digital marketing software development that empowers your business with data-driven insights, predictive analytics, cost-effectiveness, and innovative marketing strategies. Our team of dedicated experts supports you in hitting your business targets by automating time-consuming manual processes and reducing the workload of your marketing teams.

Digital transformation i marknadsföring

Our IT professionals modernize outdated strategies, helping clients increase the efficacy of their marketing campaigns, maximize marketing efforts, and build a strong online presence.

Software development consulting

Innowise provides expert IT consulting services to assist clients in data-driven decision making - taking the time to create a personalized customer acquisition plan and finding the best software solutions.

UI/UX design

We design responsive websites, custom landing pages, and mobile apps with a strong visual aesthetic, intuitive UX, and interactive elements - all in line with your existing brand guidelines.

Utveckling av mobilappar

Our experts build high-quality, engaging custom mobile applications to improve user experience, significantly boost DAU and MAU, and drive overall user engagement and satisfaction.

Utveckling av webbplatser

Our full-cycle software development services cover everything from UI/UX design, development, and quality assurance to the deployment of user-friendly websites and custom landing pages.


We integrate a variety of features - including SEO marketing tools - to analyze metrics that provide actionable insights into traffic sources, customer journeys, and engagement rates.


Our marketing specialists boost website performance, achieve better search engine optimization results, and - most importantly - attract more relevant traffic.


We assist companies in boosting app store rankings via high-volume keywords - improving app store visibility, and increasing conversion rate and downloads.

Hantering av marknadsföringsdata

Our team helps you collect, organize, analyze, and apply data to your marketing strategies so that you can make evidence-based decisions.


Our SecOps engineers protect sensitive data against cyber attacks and malicious threats - safeguarding confidential information and making sure it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.


Our developers offer seamless integration of multiple marketing systems, brand builder tools, and applications to optimize software and maximize efficiency.

Förstärkning av teamet

We provide a team of skilled digital marketing software developers to help companies redistribute complex tasks, boost their processes, and achieve their tech goals faster.

Tjänster för CMS-integration

Need help with custom CMS development services, implementing a new CMS, or transferring data to another system? Our team is ready to help. Our priority is making sure that your marketing operations continue without any interruptions, while your data is transferred quickly and securely. We support our clients in setting up and implementing a range of CMSs:

CRM integration services

Our CRM integration services go above and beyond mere data access and transfer between systems. We offer CRM maintenance and integration services that ensure seamless collaboration between mobile apps, web apps, enterprise systems, websites, and other applications. This synergy leads to an overall improvement in your marketing capabilities, with our integration experts ready to design scalable solutions to streamline your marketing workflows and business processes. We provide assistance in setting up various CRMs:

PIM software solutions

Innowise provides first-rate PIM eCommerce integration services that enable B2B and B2C organizations to easily integrate their product information management system with other platforms and applications – such as eCommerce web stores or ERP software. Our goal is to improve the consistency and management of your product catalog – ensuring that you can handle digital assets effectively across all channels. We specialize in helping businesses integrate a range of PIM software, ensuring your business operates smoothly and effectively.

Avancerad programvara för digital marknadsföring

At Innowise, we believe in the power of tech to help businesses succeed with digital marketing solutions. We build custom-made, cutting-edge software with ease of use in mind: designed to help companies reach their target audience with more personalized offers, impress customers with an engaging, user-driven experience, and maximize the success of digital marketing efforts based on data-driven solutions. Using forward-thinking software, you can rest assured that your marketing efforts make the greatest possible impact.


AR i marknadsföring

Innowise helps marketers build immersive environments that inspire curiosity. We make it easy for you to get started and have an impact on the market.

Business intelligence

Business intelligence

Gain valuable insights into market trends, customer behavior, and performance metrics through our real-time data and predictive analytics services.



Our team helps present complex data sets in an intuitive, easily digestible format through visually appealing dashboards and charts.

Big data i marknadsföring

Big data i marknadsföring

We take on the heavy work of making sense of large data sets - helping you better understand your customers' preferences and expectations.

AI i marknadsföring

AI i marknadsföring

We use cutting-edge AI technologies and advanced machine learning algorithms to automate marketing tasks - delivering the ultimate in personalization.

Moln marknadsföringslösningar

Moln marknadsföringslösningar

Organize your marketing data into scalable infrastructure that cuts IT costs and delivers real-time, personalized experiences to your target audience.

Exempel på AR i marknadsföring

It’s no exaggeration to claim that augmented reality has completely transformed marketing – offering a unique and interactive way for companies to showcase their products. Modern AR-powered solutions engage consumers more meaningfully, captivating them like never before with immersive virtual try-ons for cosmetics and clothing, interactive 3D product demonstrations, and gamified experiences that drive awareness and create a deeper connection between brands and their audiences.

AR tryckt reklam

Bring your ads to life: let your consumers experience interactive product demonstrations, explore 360-degree views, and access additional product information – all by simply scanning your printed advertisement with their mobile devices.

AR utomhusreklam

AR is taking billboard and poster advertising to the next level with advanced image recognition and computer vision technologies at its core. This approach turns the traditional ad into an interactive into interactive, gamified experiences that engage clients and audiences like never before.

Showcase demosessioner

Give your brand a boost with Innowise’s AR product packaging solutions. AR tech allows you to showcase product demos, cutting down on the need for physical samples and bulky product manuals and making a lasting impression.


Make an impact on your target audience from the get-go by offering virtual tours, product demonstrations, and work samples with AR-powered business cards, ensuring a memorable and engaging experience.


Immerse your audience in a brand experience that’s as engaging as it is memorable – using interactive displays, gesture recognition, holographic projections, and more.

AR för evenemang och mässor

AR enhances events and trade shows with immersive experiences. Through interactive displays, motion tracking, and image recognition, attendees can engage directly with digital content in real time.

Ready to take your digital marketing to new heights?

We’re here to create tailored solutions that align with your unique business goals. Kontakta oss

Användningsfall för AI-marknadsföring

Artificial intelligence is creating a big shift in how businesses interact with their clients. Whether it’s crafting personalized email campaigns, deploying AI chatbots for predictive lead scoring, or harnessing natural language processing for voice search improvement and ad optimization, our team is ready to help you develop unique AI-based marketing solutions.


We use machine learning algorithms to accurately forecast demand and sales, predict trends, and provide actionable insights for increased efficiency and profitability.

Dynamisk prissättning

Dynamic pricing models analyze consumer behavior and market trends in depth – adjusting prices in real time to maximize sales and revenue, and maintain a competitive edge.


Deliver personalized experiences, relevant advertisements, and tailored offers to customers with ease – boosting consumer relevance and levels of engagement.

Lead generation

Drive growth with intuitive lead generation platforms featuring built-in ML tools to identify and engage potential customers and provide a steady pipeline of qualified leads.


Better understand your consumer base and the intricacies of user behavior with advanced tracking technologies, revealing customer motivations, preferences, and habits.


Improve customer satisfaction with AI-based chatbots – providing 24/7 customer support with a human-like experience and driving sales as a result.


Improve your website’s visibility using data-driven strategies and SEO optimization platforms to boost search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.

Generering av innehåll

Whether you need blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters, AI content generation solutions save you time and resources while optimizing your marketing efforts.

Våra kunder

At Innowise, we believe that marketing teams deserve the best tools to do their jobs. That’s why we offer bespoke marketing software development services that drive their success. These solutions are designed to streamline tasks and boost efficiency – ultimately making their jobs easier so they can focus on what matters most.
för byråer
Marknadsförings- och reklambyråer
As a leading digital marketing software development company, we’re dedicated to helping advertising agencies tackle the unique challenges they face in the ever-changing marketing landscape. That’s why our focus lies in designing bespoke digital marketing solutions that help take our clients’ marketing campaigns and projects to new heights.
för medie- och sändningsstudior
Medie- och radio- och tv-bolag
We strive to provide cost-efficient marketing software development services that drive maximum ROI. There’s no challenge too big or too small for us – we’re here to help you leverage the power of modern technologies and take your operations to the next level.
för förlag och online-medier
Utgivare och online media
Publishers, content managers, and SMM managers trust us for bespoke digital marketing software development that meets their unique needs. We deliver a suite of digital solutions - from digital asset management software and content management systems to advanced scheduling and management tools for social media platforms - all designed to help you thrive.

Vilka processer vi förbättrar

Innowise offers comprehensive solutions for businesses looking to leverage the potential of information and data to unlock actionable insights into the market. Whether it’s through meticulous research, strategic planning, or in-depth analytics and execution, our expertise covers every step: delivering practical plans for effective digital marketing software development.


Leveraging the potential of information can give you a deeper insight into your market and target groups. Thanks to data mining and aggregation, you can gather and organize valuable insights that drive smarter decisions and strategies.


Our priority is helping you better understand your customers and developing practical software development plans. From guiding strategic decisions and conducting competitor analysis to creating designs and delivering visualization models, we make sure you have all the tools for a comprehensive digital marketing strategy.


Leverage the possibilities of CRM, CXM, and loyalty programs, automated ads, trade promotion management, campaign management, SMM, advanced SEO marketing tools, and improved eCommerce. By integrating these systems, you’ll save time, minimize the risk of human error, and boost overall efficiency.


Optimize audience engagement with personalized interactions through the right channel at the right time. Our digital marketing services mean you can enjoy the benefits of automated inbound marketing, efficient email management, real-time personalization, and data-driven interactions.


We go beyond standard automation and cost savings, thanks to our tried-and-tested approach encompassing marketing analytics, ad inventory management, pay-per-click strategies, DSPs and SSPs utilization, video format advertising, and extended data analysis implementation.


By implementing Innowise’s robust marketing analytics strategies, applying cross-channel analytics, and integrating AI-powered predictive analytics, you’ll have everything you need to understand your clients better and see the results you want.

Think your marketing ROI is falling short?

Improve your outcomes with our expert software development and digital marketing services.

De viktigaste fördelarna med anpassad marknadsföring och försäljning programvara

Discover the full potential of custom marketing and sales software – offering businesses in every imaginable field more thorough marketing analytics, improved customer insights, maximized customer acquisition, streamlined workflows, enhanced campaign management, brand builder tools, and so much more. With a tailored solution to suit your needs, this investment isn’t just about staying ahead – it’s about fueling business growth in the digital world and taking advantage of the myriad opportunities Innowise offers.

How much does building custom marketing software cost?

Creating custom-made marketing software solutions can turbocharge growth efforts – but the cost can fluctuate depending on several key factors. It’s crucial to carefully consider each and every one of these factors during the budget planning phase to make sure that your investment in digital marketing software development services yields the greatest possible returns.
ekologi Projektets komplexitet
ekologi Projektets storlek
ekologi Teknikstack
ekologi Designkrav
ekologi Integrering av verktyg från tredje part
ekologi Behov av underhåll och stöd

The intersection of technology and marketing is a rapidly evolving space, and staying ahead requires a deep understanding of MarTech and AdTech niches. Innowise has proven to be a leader in developing custom marketing software solutions. Our expertise in understanding the unique needs and challenges faced by businesses across the marketing sector - combined with our technical excellence - has allowed us to create future-proof, intuitive solutions that drive success for our clients.

Yury Rosolko

CMO på Innowise

Why opt for Innowise for your marketing software development needs?

At Innowise, we stand out as market leaders in custom digital marketing software development, thanks to our track record spanning years of delivering cutting-edge digital marketing online tools and solutions. With our forward-thinking approach, outsourcing to our company results in cost savings of up to 30% compared to traditional in-house development – giving our clients a distinct competitive edge. Drawing from our vast talent pool of over 1600 employees and 70,000 professionals, our clients have the opportunity to hand-pick the perfect specialists for their teams. We also provide on-demand, scalable cross-functional dedicated team augmentation services to make sure you have access to the right resources without the long-term commitment.

Industridrivna lösningar

Beprövad expertis inom design och teknik

De första resultaten levereras om några veckor

Robust och lätt att underhålla programvara

Väletablerade processer

Öppet arbetsflöde

Effektiv kommunikation

Regelbunden rapportering

Teknik vi använder för MarTech-utveckling

Our experienced software engineers can handle any MarTech project, no matter how difficult or complex. We have the expertise needed to consistently deliver exceptional results.


React, Redux, Redux-Saga, RxJS, React-Native, Three.JS, NextJS
Angular, NgRx, NGXS, MobX, Formly, Ionic    
Vue.js, Vuex, Vue Router, NuxtJS, Vue CLI, Vue Meta
Material, Ant Design, Apollo GraphQL, Protractor, Jasmine, Jest, Enzyme, Mocha, Electron, SSR, Lodash, Date-FNS, CSS, SASS/SCSS, LESS, Lerna, TypeScript


Java, Spring Framework (Core, Data, Boot, Batch, Cloud, Security, Retry, MVC, AOP, Reactor), MapStruct, Lombok, WebFlux, Hibernate, JPA2, Kafka, Flyway, Microservices Architecture, Docker, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis
.NET Core, ASP.NET Core MVC, ASP.NET Web API, ASP.NET MVC, Xamarin.Forms, WPF, UWP, Stateless Architecture, Microservices, Azure Cloud (App Service, IoT Hub, Event Hub)
Django, Django Rest Framework, Flask, FastAPI, AsyncIo, AioHttp, Tornado, Celery, Microservices Architecture, Docker/Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, DynamoDB
DUKPT, Laravel, Symfony, Yii2, WordPress, Drupal, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, REST/SOAP/GraphQL API, OAuth, HTML, Twig, Swagger, Redis, ElasticSearch, Docker, Stripe, PayPal
NestJS, Koa, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, AWS
Unity, Godot, Blender, Krita, Amplify Shader Editor, MapBox SDK, Unity IAP; Firebase SDK; ARCore, AR Foundation, ARKit, Vuforia; Google VR SDK, Steam VR SDK; Unity XR Platform SDK
Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, Hanami, Padrino, Volt, EventMachine, Rack, Sidekiq, GraphQL, Web Socket, Swagger, JWT, OAuth
Go, gORM, Gin, protobuf, gRPC, AWS, GCP, Docker, Redis, Mongo DB, PostgreSQL
Rust, Rustup, Cargo, clap, structopt, argh, actix-web, gotham, nickel, rocket, axum, tide, warp, yew, wasm-bindgen, js-sys, web-sys, gloo. Games: amethyst, bevy, fyrox, piston, nannou, ggez, godot, raylib, SFML
STL/C++11/14/17/20, GCC, CLang, MSVC++, WinDBG, GDB, Visual Studio, QTCreator, VIM, VSCode, CMake, Makefile, Ninja, Conan, Vcpkg, Boost, opencv, poco, protobuf, gRPC, fmt, pybindll, spdlog, ranges_v3, tensorflow, opencl, Asio++, gtest/gmock, cppunit, QT, catch2, google profiler, pytorch c++, chromium
Unreal Engine
Unreal Engine, C++, C, C#, Blueprints, UAT, UE4 Shader Graph, Unity URP HLSL, OpenGL ES
Cobol, GnuCOBOL, VSAM, JCL, TSO/ISPF, XPEDITER, FileAid, Changeman, CICS, Hostbridge, SQL/DB2, Endevor, Visual Studio, TACL, FTP, SFTP, SCOBOL, DDL, ENFORM, eInspect, Batchcom


Objective-C/Swift, MVP, MVVM, Clean Swift, SnapKit, GCD, Alamofire, URLSession, MapKit, CoreLocation, XCTest, CoreData
Java/Kotlin, MVP, MVVM, Clean Architecture, AAC (ViewModel, LiveData, Lifecycle, Navigation Component, Paging), Dagger2, Hilt, RxJava 2, Coroutines, Retrofit, ViewBinding, JUnit, Mockito, Robolectric, detekt, SQLite + Room
Bloc, Clean Architecture, Flutter, Dart async, RxDart, Dart Streams, Navigator 2.0, GetIt, Mocktail, SQFlite
React-Native, React-Navigation, Redux, Redux-Saga, TypeScript, StyleSheet, Firebase, Styled-Components


Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3), Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), DynamoDB, Relational Database Service (RDS), AWS Lambda, ElastiCache, CloudSearch
Azure Virtual Machines, Azure Web Apps, Azure Functions, Azure Blob Storage, Azure Notification Hub, Azure AI, Azure IoT Hub, Azure Event Hub, Azure Tables, Azure Queue, Azure DevOps Pipelines, Azure Content Delivery Network, Azure Application Insights, Azure Kubernetes, Azure SQL
Google Compute Engine, Google App Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google Cloud Functions, Google Cloud SQL, Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud Datastore, Google Cloud Bigtable
SAP ABAP 7.5+, SAP UI5, SAP Fiori, JavaScript, HTML, XML, JSON, SAP S/4Hana (HANA DB, AMDP, CDS-extraktorer), SAP S/4Hana Cloud Public, SAP FI, SAP SD, SAP RE, SAP SCM, SAP HCM, SAP BTP, SAP RAP och CAP, ADT Eclipse, SOAP, OData API:er, ABAP Proxy, FTP, SFTP, IDOC, DBOC, PBF Adobe form, XSTL, MWB, S/4Hana migration, ALV Grid, ALV Tree
Salesforce, Apex code, Visualforce, Site.com, Customer 360 Platform, Lightning Web Components, REST/SOAP API

How we develop digital marketing software

At Innowise, we strive to provide our clients with tailored MarTech solutions that meet the unique wants, needs, and expectations of their business. Our experts work closely with the client throughout each and every stage of the software development process – making sure that their needs and requests are met and every box is ticked.
This stage involves understanding your business requirements - including any peculiarities, competitor analysis, target audience, and collaboration goals.
Next, we’ll create a visual representation of the software - including wireframes, prototypes, and mockups.
Our experts will then develop, code, and implement the perfect solution based on the designs, requirements, and data set.
Kvalitet försäkring
The software is then tested for functionality, performance, and user experience to ensure it doesn’t just meet but surpasses all standards and expectations.
We guarantee stress-free release engineering, infrastructure provisioning, and management for optimization of the new software.
Stöd och förbättring
Finally, your software is maintained and updated based on your changing needs and ever-evolving market trends.

Are off-the-rack solutions draining your budget without meeting your needs?

At Innowise, we build custom software within your budget to amplify your marketing efforts.

Vad våra kunder tycker

ikon för citat

Tack vare Innowise kan vi ta med betydande mjukvarufunktioner till marknaden tidigare, vilket resulterar i ett större antal kunder som är villiga att skriva på för vår mjukvarulösning.

företagets logotyp
Dominik Märkl Direktör OneStop Pro
ikon för citat

Innowises hjälp gjorde det möjligt för oss att slutföra projektet i tid. Deras flexibla tillvägagångssätt resulterade i ett smidigt partnerskap. De var lyhörda och lätta att arbeta med, förutom att vara tekniskt skickliga.

Netdevops Luxembourg S.a.r.l.
Joanna Wolynska HR- och projektledare Plattform för videoströmning
ikon för citat

Innowise-teamet kan implementera nya funktioner snabbare än vårt interna team skulle kunna. Deras kommunikation är effektiv och lösningsorienterad. De levererar högkvalitativa resultat snabbt.

företagets logotyp
Kevin Day Grundare och ordförande Trumpet


The term refers to a collection of programs developed to streamline how companies reach their target markets, carry out campaigns, generate leads, and turn them into profits. This software is ideal for automating repetitive tasks and maximizing resources – making it the smart choice for businesses of all sizes. Investing in digital marketing software development can further improve efficiency and effectiveness in marketing efforts – making sure your organization reaches its full potential.
When used correctly and to its full potential, marketing automation can be a hugely effective tool to help businesses reach their target audiences. It allows for streamlined processes that maximize the impact of marketing efforts. Automating certain marketing activities – such as sending out emails or running campaigns can save time, money, and effort while still helping to get messages across quickly and effectively. With marketing automation, businesses can easily tailor their message to different customers and measure the success of various marketing strategies in the digital world. Overall, it’s a great way to increase ROI and reach your goals.
MarTech combines marketing strategies and modern technologies to develop, deploy, test, measure, automate, and tweak digital campaigns. MarTech provides marketers with actionable insights and digital analysis apps and tools to make better-informed data-driven decisions. By integrating MarTech into your business strategy, your organization has the best chance of improving the performance of marketing campaigns, tailoring customer and prospect interactions, and connecting with target users on the right platforms at the right time.
The term AdTech broadly refers to the technologies used by publishers, platforms, brands, and digital marketing companies to target, deliver, and track their digital advertising campaigns. Platforms for Ad Tech software help companies purchase advertising space in the most relevant digital field. They aid publishers in setting their advertisement space’s price and selling it.

Behöver du andra tjänster?

Vårt team av mycket erfarna webbutvecklare kommer att utforma en anpassad lösning som passar ditt företag.
UI/UX design
We create responsive, immersive, and intuitive UI/UX design based on your ideas and our creative skills.
AR/VR utveckling
Our developers deliver highly-immersive AR/VR software along with consulting and solution support services.
Digital omvandling
We guide businesses and enterprises along their digital transformation journey.
Vi utnyttjar kraften i blockchain-teknik för att leverera toppmoderna NFT-lösningar.

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    Vänligen inkludera projektinformation, varaktighet, teknologistack, IT-proffs som behövs och annan relevant information
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    Efter att ha mottagit och behandlat din begäran kommer vi att återkomma till dig inom kort för att specificera dina projektbehov och underteckna en NDA för att säkerställa konfidentialitet av information.


    Efter att ha undersökt kraven utarbetar våra analytiker och utvecklare en projektförslag med arbetets omfattning, lagets storlek, tid och kostnad uppskattningar.


    Vi ordnar ett möte med dig för att diskutera erbjudandet och komma överens.


    Vi skriver på ett kontrakt och börjar arbeta med ditt projekt så snabbt som möjligt.


    Ditt meddelande har skickats.
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    Ditt meddelande har skickats.
    Vi behandlar din begäran och kontaktar dig så snart som möjligt.
