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Innowise är ett internationellt företag för utveckling av mjukvara med fullständig cykel som grundades 2007. Vi är ett team med över 1800+ IT-proffs som utvecklar mjukvara för andra yrkesverksamma över hela världen.
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Innowise är ett internationellt företag för utveckling av mjukvara med fullständig cykel som grundades 2007. Vi är ett team med över 1800+ IT-proffs som utvecklar mjukvara för andra yrkesverksamma över hela världen.

Trender inom hälso- och sjukvård 2025: Framtiden för hälso- och sjukvårdsteknik

The healthcare industry has been going through a major transformation in recent years, and it’s only picking up speed. This shift happens across the board — from care interventions to drug discovery — and changes will continue to unfold. The factors contributing to the evolution are the unprecedented technology boom, the rise of chronic diseases, and an ongoing shortage of medical professionals.

So, what’s next for healthcare? With years of experience in tech and a deep understanding of the healthcare market, here we list emerging and continuing trends that will shape the industry and define the benefits and challenges that go hand in hand with these technology advancements.

10 technology trends for healthcare by 2025

Precision medicine

Precision or personalized medicine — diagnosing and treating conditions using multiomics and an individual’s genetic profile — has never been closer to reality. US healthcare providers slowly but surely adopt precision medicine and report positive outcomes: research shows that precision medicine enables more effective treatment for oncology patients.

Taking steps towards personalized medicine will become even more relevant as we enter 2025. We at Innowise have already seen the rising interest in this healthcare trend. Recently, we enhanced a data management platform for a precision medicine diagnostics provider to ease patient-treatment matching and provide critical insights for drug development.

Intelligent virtual assistants

The idea of using virtual healthcare assistants will continue to rise steadily in 2025: industry analysts expect 24.7% market growth. Virtual healthcare assistants have proven their worth in several key areas — helping medical professionals with clinical documentation, providing information support to patients, and streamlining chronic condition management.

Given virtual assistants’ proven efficiency, it’s a smart move for healthcare organizations to integrate these tools into their IT ecosystems in 2025.

Technology-powered preventive medicine

The idea of disease prevention in healthcare has always been a central goal, but only recently has it truly come to fruition with technological advances. Now, various technologies are making preventive care more effective, with AI leading the charge. AI-driven diagnostics helps medical professionals spot patterns in patients’ health states early and accurately determine patients’ conditions. Furthermore, AI is used to predict health risks based on comprehensive data analysis and provide treatment suggestions before problems arise.

Looking ahead, preventive medicine will likely become the cornerstone of modern medicine, synergizing with other healthcare trends we touch upon.

Generativ AI

Since its major breakthrough into the mainstream, GenAI continues gaining ground in the healthcare domain. According to McKinsey, more than 70% of healthcare organizations are planning to adopt GenAI or have already implemented it.

The most popular use cases of GenAI include generating clinical notes, automating routine administrative tasks, processing data for medical research, etc. Applying generative AI algorithms for medical imaging augmentation, drug discovery, and personalized treatment planning is now at an early stage, but it is expected to evolve. GenAI adoption will likely be a prevalent trend in 2025, given that 60% of those healthcare providers who use GenAI either see or expect positive ROI.

Digital twins in healthcare

Digital twins — virtual replicas of organs, patients, or healthcare organizations — are getting more buzz in the healthcare domain. They simulate a person’s health condition or a system’s performance and accurately model the potential reactions to medical or business decisions without trying it out in reality. The opportunities for using digital twins are almost endless — healthcare providers can create personalized treatment plans, optimize surgeries, and predict disease progression more accurately.

As digital twins’ companion technologies (AI, IoT, and data analytics) gain momentum, there will be more opportunities to create highly accurate digital replicas in 2025 and beyond.

IoT-powered remote care and virtual hospitals

Remote care has been gradually becoming more common, as more healthcare providers offer virtual consultations and introduce virtual wards. Beyond doubt, remote care solutions, like telemedicine, RPM, and virtual hospital systems, alleviate pressure on overwhelmed healthcare systems and improve patient satisfaction levels. According to McKinsey, 86% of patients say they have positive experiences with virtual hospitals and highlight confidence in their care.

In 2025, virtual care will likely reach new heights, relying on IoT, telemedicine 2.0, AI, and cloud computing. For instance, AI algorithms will help automate routine care tasks, improve care access and chronic condition management. Also, they will help doctors analyze patient data, offer more accurate diagnoses, and create personalized treatment plans.

Success story in the spotlight: state-of-the-art telehealth app

Virtual and artificial reality

VR and AR, once mainly seen in the entertainment industry, are now making a significant impact in healthcare. Now, these technologies are employed to enhance both patient care and medical training, showing great results when it comes to pain management, surgery planning, medical student education, and patient rehabilitation.

VR and AR technologies are only picking up the pace in 2025. We have seen the growing interest in these solutions among our clients and witnessed the practical benefits they bring: one of our clients from the pharmaceutical domain achieved a 30% medication sales increase after launching a VR showcase solution. Another client experienced a 41% increase in user engagement and retention after augmenting their meditation suite with a VR application.

3D modeling and printing

In 2025 and beyond, 3D printing technology will become indispensable both in research-related activities and in therapeutic interventions. For instance, bioprinting — 3D printing with biological cells — is expected to grow at a CAGR of 18.5% by 2030 thanks to tissue regeneration research and therapies development.

Another subset of 3D printing technology, creating accurate organ models using MRI, X-ray, and CT scans, will also experience growth, credited to models’ efficiency in planning surgeries, explaining medical procedures to patients, and conducting R&D activities. Our team already helps clients harness this technology: we have created a ready-for-print 3D model of a head for a leading medical device manufacturer to support the development of otorhinolaryngological devices. We also built a unique human anatomy app, VOKA Anatomi Pro, offering a catalog of precise 3D models for medical education and patient care planning.

Tech-enabled mental and physical healthcare

With rising levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as a sedentary lifestyle affecting people’s well-being, a trend for balancing mental and physical health is now underway. As people seek more proactive and integrated healthcare solutions, tech-enabled mental and physical healthcare will play a central role in improving overall well-being.

In 2025, the healthcare IT market will continue meeting the demand by offering comprehensive care that addresses both mind and body. We predict that a variety of mental and physical care solutions powered by telehealth, AI, and IoT will go mainstream. Some of the examples include wellness apps, urgent mental health care solutions, real-time monitoring apps for remote physical therapy, depression identification tools, on-demand physical therapy solutions, and others.

Pharma D2C solutions

In 2025, pharmaceutical companies will explore the new D2C (direct-to-consumer) business model that allows them to bypass traditional distribution channels. A big driver for this transformation is the focus on personalized care, as with D2C solutions, pharmaceutical companies can offer tailored treatments, track medications’ side effects, and adjust therapies more effectively.

We recommend exploring the D2C model in 2025, as it opens up new revenue streams, increases brand loyalty, and improves patient engagement. For example, with a medicine delivery app created by Innowise, our client managed to grow revenue by 17% and boost operational efficiency by 35%.

Want to benefit from the healthcare trends?

We are here to create a state-of-the-art solution for your healthcare business.

Benefits of healthcare technology trends 2025

Easier clinical documentation

Some of the trends we describe help medical staff avoid low value-adding work, like writing clinical notes and appointment summaries. Automating clinical documentation helps reduce the human factor in data entry, eliminate chances of medical errors, and minimize administrative burden.

Streamlined R&D process

Adopting new healthcare trends will speed up research and discovery in medical and pharmaceutical domains. New technologies can offer insights into drug development, consolidate and analyze clinical research and trial data, and power clinical simulation.


Embracing new trends in healthcare industry helps save costs by automating routine tasks, as well as avoiding unnecessary procedures. According to McKinsey, implementing AI, ML, and deep learning for healthcare will result in net savings of up to $360 billion.

Personalized care management

Implementing trending technologies may improve treatment efficiency thanks to tailored therapies, more precise diagnostics, early disease detection, and complications prevention.

“At Innowise, we help businesses adopt new trends in healthcare smoothly and risk-free. We do so by creating a solid software tech design, factoring in potential challenges and developing ways to solve them. You can tap into the benefits of new technologies — and leave the rest to our team and decades-long healthcare IT expertise.”

Aleh Yafimau


Challenges that may arise

  • Datasäkerhet och integritetsfrågor

Many healthcare trends we mention require increased flow of sensitive patient data and may put security at risk. To address data privacy concerns during healthcare software development, we recommend implementing robust data security measures, such as encryption, multi-factor authentication, SIEM monitoring, and regular software audits. Also, it’s important to follow the security frameworks set in ISO 27001 standard and applicable data privacy regulations (e.g., HIPAA, GDPR).
  • Resistance to change in traditional practices

Some healthcare providers are reluctant to embrace new technologies due to the unclear real-life value, reliance on tried-and-true approaches, and a steep learning curve. To overcome this challenge, we recommend devising a solid implementation strategy, featuring user training sessions, clear guides, and hands-on support to ensure staff feel confident using the new systems.
  • High initial investments

Healthcare businesses may be wary of new technology trends because of high project budgets. To manage costs when adopting new technologies, we suggest prioritizing core value-adding software functionality and using off-the-shelf development tools to reduce costs. Also, partnering with a mature healthcare software development partner who understands the tech landscape can help optimize the project budget, ensuring resources are used efficiently.

Want to be a step ahead of competitors?

We will help you adopt new healthcare trends and reach your business goals.

Wrapping up: embracing new trends in healthcare technology

Looking ahead to 2025, the adoption of new healthcare trends is set to change the way care is delivered. The convergence of AI, IoT, VR, AR, 3D, and advanced data analytics is paving the way for more personalized, efficient, and accessible healthcare solutions. These technologies hold the promise of improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and reimagining patient care as we know it. As these trends take hold, healthcare businesses are bound to improve care delivery and lay the groundwork for a more patient-centered approach.

Future healthcare trends 2025: FAQ

Bland de nya tekniktrenderna inom hälso- och sjukvården finns personanpassad medicin, virtuella assistenter, förebyggande medicin, GenAI, digitala tvillingar, IoT-drivna virtuella sjukhus, VR och AR, 3D-modellering och -utskrift, mental och fysisk terapi på distans samt D2C-lösningar för läkemedel.
De viktigaste fördelarna med att anamma dessa trender är enklare klinisk dokumentation, effektiviserad FoU-process, kostnadsbesparingar och personlig vårdhantering. Dessutom bidrar en del av den nya tekniken till att minska antalet medicinska fel, förbättra patientnöjdheten och öka intäkterna.
Anastasia Ilkevich Healthtech expert


Anastasia Ilkevich Healthtech expert


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