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Innowise är ett internationellt företag som utvecklar mjukvara för hela cykeln som grundades 2007. Vi är ett team på över 2000+ IT-proffs som utvecklar mjukvara för andra företag yrkesverksamma över hela världen.
Om oss
Innowise är ett internationellt företag som utvecklar mjukvara för hela cykeln som grundades 2007. Vi är ett team på över 2000+ IT-proffs som utvecklar mjukvara för andra företag yrkesverksamma över hela världen.

Monolithic to microservices migration: 25% faster response

Innowise successfully migrated the client’s platform from a monolithic architecture to microservices, boosting both backend and frontend for better scalability and performance.


Kund sedan

Our client is a top-tier US-based healthcare staffing service that helps healthcare providers handle soaring staffing needs and simplify the hiring process. On the other side, job seekers get to choose positions that fit their schedules and preferences perfectly. Our client is all about matching the right people with the right jobs.

Detaljerad information om kunden kan inte lämnas ut enligt bestämmelserna i NDA.


Keeping up with rising demand without breaking the bank

As the client’s business rapidly expanded, they faced growing technical and operational challenges that threatened to slow their progress. Their once-reliable monolithic system struggled to keep up with increasing demands from healthcare facilities and medical personnel. As a result, they faced performance bottlenecks, delayed feature rollouts, and operational inefficiencies.

The client needed a system overhaul to keep growing but didn’t want to overstaff and rack up extra costs. They were looking for an IT outsourcing partner who could provide flexible resource scaling based on specific tasks and deadlines while keeping costs in check. That’s when Innowise stepped in with our expert insights to get them back on track.


Switching to microservices for improved scalability and speed

Innowise built a scalable microservices architecture for the client, making it easy for their platform to grow. We updated both the backend and frontend, so everything runs smoothly, deploys fast, and gives users a way better experience. Also, with automated testing and continuous delivery, our experts kept things reliable and running just as they should.

In-depth analysis and planning

Innowise started with a thorough audit of the client’s monolithic system, mapping out components and identifying bottlenecks. We worked closely with the client’s teams to assess crucial business functions and make sure all stakeholder needs were covered in the planning.

We identified areas that would get the biggest boost from this shift and created a detailed migration roadmap. Our team also focused on risk mitigation strategies, preparing for things like data migration issues while keeping the business running smoothly during the transition.

Monolith to microservices migration

After solid planning, our team started a smooth migration from a monolithic system to microservices. We split the platform’s key components into independent microservices, letting each one scale on its own. This modular setup fixed the performance bottlenecks, so services could handle demand changes without slowing down the whole platform.

We also set up service-specific databases to improve data flow and cut down on dependencies that were causing slowdowns. With Kubernetes and Docker in place, our team automated the deployment and scaling of each microservice. This way, the platform can handle spikes in usage without any manual effort.

Service orchestrastion and communication

We set up a microservice orchestration layer using Apache Kafka for message-driven communication. This kept services loosely connected, so they could scale independently. By using asynchronous communication, our experts cut down on latency and made the system more responsive.

Frontend refactoring

While upgrading the backend, we gave the frontend the attention it deserved. Our team revamped the UI by breaking it down into modular components with Angular, speeding up development and ensuring headache-free feature additions. Our specialists also fine-tuned the frontend’s connection with the backend using custom CRUD APIs, guaranteeing real-time updates and minimal latency.


To keep both legacy code and new microservices stable, we put together a solid set of integration tests with JUnit. We zeroed these tests in on key interactions like data sync and user authentication to prevent failures when rolling out new features.

By working within our existing test environment, we provided consistent testing across all major use cases. Each test thoroughly examined how the new and legacy components interacted, cutting down on migration risks and boosting platform stability.



Angular, TypeScript


Java 11


Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes


VCS: Git, BitBucket






For this project, we followed a Scrum methodology customized to fit the client’s needs, running focused two-week sprints to keep progress on track. Our team used Jira to monitor every task, providing full visibility into project milestones and deliverables. Daily coordination through Slack kept the team connected, allowing us to tackle issues quickly.

Our project manager held weekly Zoom meetings with the client, sharing detailed updates on development, discussing any challenges, and gathering feedback to keep everyone in sync. This tried-and-tested approach minimized downtime and kept steady progress throughout the project.

















30% smoother operations and 25% quicker response times

Our team revamped the client’s platform, boosting operational efficiency by 30%. The system now handles more requests without slowing down. By switching to a microservices architecture, response times dropped by 25% so that healthcare providers could connect with available medical personnel faster and more reliably.

Automating deployment and scaling reduced manual effort and operational costs, letting the client handle peak demand spikes without needing extra staff or increasing infrastructure expenses.

Dessutom underlättar automatiserad testning reduced system failures by 35%, making the platform much more stable. New features could now roll out smoothly without disrupting ongoing services.

Projektets löptid
  • October 2023 - May 2024


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ökad operativ effektivitet

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