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Innowise ist ein internationales Unternehmen für den vollen Zyklus der Softwareentwicklung, welches 2007 gegründet wurde. Unser Team besteht aus mehr als 1600+ IT-Experten, welche Software für mehrere Branchen und Domänen weltweit entwickeln.
Über uns
Innowise ist ein internationales Unternehmen für den vollen Zyklus der Softwareentwicklung, welches 2007 gegründet wurde. Unser Team besteht aus mehr als 1600+ IT-Experten, welche Software für mehrere Branchen und Domänen weltweit entwickeln.


Efficiency, productivity, and strategic resource allocation with AI and data management

April 24th, 2024 | 5 PM CET | 45 minutes

Having your business operate optimally is a never-ending strife for perfection, and artificial intelligence is the latest development many organizations are adopting right now.

During our AI webinar, we will delve into the most prominent productivity issues businesses experience and explore how AI data management can provide viable solutions. This session aims to shed light on practical ways AI can be leveraged to solve complex business challenges, with a focus on various industry case studies that demonstrate its impactful applications.

Tagesordnung des Webinars:

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Why you should attend the webinar

Our webinar is a must-watch for

Join our webinar to discover how to identify and fix your process inefficiencies with AI solutions in our insightful discussion. Propel your business to new heights of growth and innovation.

We are stoked to meet you there!

About the speakers

Ilya Volynets

ML engineer at Innowise

With 5 enriching years dedicated to AI solutions, Ilya’s career is distinguished by a keen focus on integrating automation into various business processes, elevating efficiency and productivity across the board. Ilya's expertise encompasses a wide range of AI technologies, including automation, hyper-spectral and ordinary computer vision, as well as point cloud processing. A notable aspect of his work involves the application of AI in edge computing and robotics.

Timofey Voitko

ML engineer at Innowise

With an impressive track record spanning over 5 years, Timofei stands at the forefront of AI application in commercial ventures. His expertise is not confined to one but spans multiple sectors, including telecommunications, fintech, eCommerce, hospitality, and healthcare. Beyond project delivery, Timofei is also recognized for his pivotal role in pioneering advanced AI development methodologies. His commitment extends to the realm of healthcare, where he has significantly contributed to research focused on targeted treatments, showcasing his dedication to leveraging AI for societal benefit.

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