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Innowise är ett internationellt företag som utvecklar mjukvara för hela cykeln som grundades 2007. Vi är ett team på över 1600+ IT-proffs som utvecklar mjukvara för andra företag yrkesverksamma över hela världen.
Om oss
Innowise är ett internationellt företag som utvecklar mjukvara för hela cykeln som grundades 2007. Vi är ett team på över 1600+ IT-proffs som utvecklar mjukvara för andra företag yrkesverksamma över hela världen.

In-video collaboration widget for educational platforms: 94% user engagement

Innowise upgraded the client’s in-video widget to make it more interactive and engaging for users.


Kund sedan

Our customer — an education-focused startup from Israel — devised an in-video widget that converts educational video content into engaging quizzes.

Detaljerad information om kunden kan inte lämnas ut enligt bestämmelserna i NDA.


The client lacked the expertise to add new features to the in-video collaboration widget

As part of their ongoing growth plan, the customer wanted to add new features to their in-video engagement widget. Lacking the relevant in-house resources, the customer decided to expand their development team to implement the required functionality.


Upgraded in-video widget collaboration functionality for more interactive user experience

To boost the platform’s functionality and gain deeper insights into learner performance, Innowise stepped in to integrate new features and make key improvements:

Comment moderation

We rolled out a robust comment moderation system to automatically filter out inappropriate or off-topic comments to keep the comment section clean and relevant. This feature ensures a positive user experience, especially as the platform grows and serves more educational institutions. Instructors have full control over the comments — they can publish or dismiss them, or use additional options like Reply and Publish, Private Reply, or Delete.

Personal notes space integration

We integrated a personal notes space where users can jot down private notes tied to specific video content. It’s perfect for bookmarking key moments or adding extra info, like weblinks, for easy reference later.

Core logic revamp

At first, we had to rewrite the widget’s core logic to ensure it worked smoothly with Moodle —  a widely spread LMS used by our client. 

Once that was in place, our engineers developed a new evaluation system based on video consumption and user responses to embedded questions.

To take things further, we integrated advanced analytics to track user engagement across courses — pinpointing the specific modules where users face the most challenges and identifying sections where the highest number of questions are raised.

Continuous monitoring and support

We continuously monitor and update the in-video collaboration widget to keep it running smoothly. After each UAT phase,  we’re quick to fix any bugs reported by the QA team —  ensuring platform stability and a smooth user experience.

AI-powered personalization roadmap

Looking ahead, the client has future plans to bring in AI-based interaction analysis. The idea is  to personalize each user’s learning experience by studying how they interact with videos. With our expertise in AI and machine learning, we mapped out a strategic plan which includes











Once we gathered and documented the client’s requirements, Innowise moved straight into developing the new features. Following the Agile methodology, we remained flexible and quickly adapted to any changes the client needed. With daily check-ins, we stayed on top of issues and kept everyone in the loop —  tracking all progress in Jira.



Full Stack-utvecklare




Automation QA


94% user engagement thanks to improved in-video widget functionality

By September 2024, we’ve been teaming up with the customer for over two years. When extra help is needed, we step in to roll out new features  and keep the solution up-to-date, bug-free, and relevant in the EdTech market.

On top of that, schools that introduced the upgraded in-video engagement widget saw engagement jump by up to 94%. This boost was largely driven by learners being able to not only join discussions but also customize their learning experience to perfectly fit their needs.

Projektets löptid
  • December 2022 - Pågående


user engagement

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